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Volunteer Centre
AHS is a registered host provider for Income Support recipients who seek to volunteer and help out in their communities.
The Albany Volunteers Centre, advertise community support ads for our venues and departments within AHS, when we are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in voluntary work, please visit Albany & Regional Volunteer Service.
Volunteering Australia and the Australian Government support volunteering as a way for job seekers to engage with and participate in the activities of their community, while possibly aiding their prospects of paid employment. All income support recipients may choose to volunteer. Volunteering Australia is contracted by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to deliver the Voluntary Work Initiative throughout Australia. Volunteering Australia provides local referral, information, and support services through the nationwide network of volunteer centres and other service delivery agencies.
Voluntary work activity is an activity undertaken in an approved not-for-profit community organisation in a verified voluntary work position.
A voluntary work placement must:
benefit the job seeker and the community and offers no financial gain to the voluntary work host organisation.
provide the job seeker with the opportunity to gain skills which will directly improve the job seeker’s employment prospects.
provide opportunities which will develop or enhance a job seeker’s ability to work as part of a team, take directions from a supervisor, work independently, communicate effectively and improve motivation and dependability, and
not exceed 26 weeks duration, unless it is the best participation option in the circumstances, as determined by the employment services provider or if the job seeker is aged 55 or over (see below).
Unpaid work performed under a Community Service Order (CSO) and participation in clinical trials are NOT considered to be voluntary work.
Regardless of the circumstances in which it is undertaken, voluntary work must:
occur without payment other than for out of pocket expenses, and
have a community focus, and
not be undertaken in the job seeker’s own home, and
not primarily promote a particular religious or political view, and
not involve working for the job seeker’s or a family member of the job seeker’s own organisation, and
not involve violence towards people or damage to property, and
not undertake tasks which would normally be done by a paid employee, including a casual or part-time paid employee, and
not reduce hours usually worked by a paid employee or reduce customary overtime of an existing worker.
Depending on their age and how long they have been receiving payment for, under social security legislation, job seekers aged 55 years and over may choose to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements through approved voluntary work, suitable paid work, or a combination of these activities.
In their first 12 months on payment, job seekers aged 55 to 59 can satisfy their mutual obligation requirements through 30 hours per fortnight of paid work, or a combination of paid work and approved voluntary work, where at least 15 hours is in paid work. After 12 months on payment, these job seekers can satisfy their mutual obligation requirements if they undertake at least 30 hours per fortnight of approved voluntary work, paid work or any combination of these activities.
Regardless of their duration on payment, job seekers aged 60 and over can satisfy their mutual obligation requirements if they undertake at least 30 hours per fortnight of approved voluntary work, paid work (including self-employment) or a combination of the 2.
When fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements in this way, these job seekers cannot be required to simultaneously look for additional work, or undertake other activities.
For further information regarding Voluntary Work approved by Centrelink, please visit; Services Australia.