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H.M. Colonial brig Amity

The voyage that laid the foundation of what would become the first settlement of Western Australia. 

In 1816, a yard at Saint John in the Canadian province of New Brunswick completed the construction of a brig, built of black birch and pitch pine, with a square stern and flush deck with no quarter windows, gallery or figurehead. The hull measured 75' 6" length,  21' 5" beam and 11' 5 depth of hold weighting 142 tons. 


She was called the Amity, a word meaning 'Friendship', a rather fitting name seeing that her launch was after more than twenty years of wars and a year after the Napoleonic Wars (1799–1815) had ended, that ranged France against shifting alliances of European powers and an attempt to maintain French strength established by the French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802).


Christopher Scott was the third and youngest son of William Scott, head of the old Clyde shipbuilding firm Scotts of Greenock, established in 1711.  Scott crossed the Atlantic in 1798, to establish a new yard at Saint John, he was a master mariner, a designer and builder of merchantmen and became a trader, commanding his own vessels. In 1816, Scott completed the build of the brig Amity with many of the tradesmen that served their apprenticeships with the master mariner. 


The Amity was used for several voyages between America and Great Britain as a merchant vessel trading between the continents. In 1823, she was purchased by a wealthy farming family from Scotland the Ralston Family, who wanted to seek new opportunities in Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). On the 15th November 1823, under the command of Captain McMeckan, Robert Ralston and his family set sail across the world with a crew of twenty one passengers, in addition to several cows and other livestock. Their route took them from Stranraer across the Atlantic Ocean to Rio de Janeiro, before arriving in Van Diemen's Land, exactly five months later on 15th April 1824. It should be noted that from the time she arrived in Van Diemen's Land in 1824, the Amity was listed as 148 tons.


The Amity was then sold to the Government of New South Wales in 1824. On her arrival at Sydney the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, Thursday 3 June 1824, described the Amity: ‘as a fine and convenient brig, a vessel that is so well calculated for commercial purposes between the Colonies’.


From 1824, she was used for various journeys around the east coast of Australia, the establishment of two European settlements in New Holland, the vessel to rescue the survivor's of the Royal Charlotte, transported convicts, soldiers and stores from Sydney to outlying settlements and circumnavigated the continent, not once but twice!


The Amity's first assignment was to establish a new settlement at Moreton Bay, Queensland on 12th September 1824. Lieutenant Henry Miller led a group of about 70 people including soldiers of the 40th Foot Regiment, 29 convicts, explorers and their families.


On 11th June 1825, the Royal Charlottes ran aground on Frederick Reef, north east of Queensland, where her crew steadied her, while the other crew members and the soldiers moved to shore with water and provisions before she sank. Whilst the Amity was anchored in Moreton Bay, a boat with the first mate and some survivors from the Royal Charlotte had travelled some 400 nautical miles and came towards the Amity.  She was despatched to collect the survivors and arrived on the 28th July, all were rescued, although two people died. 


Over the next year and a half the Amity was transporting convicts, soldiers and stores from Sydney to the settlements at Port Macquarie, Norfolk Island and Moreton Bay.  


It was decided in March 1826 by the British Government’s representative, Earl Henry Bathurst, Secretary of State and the Colonies, to despatch orders to Governor Sir Ralph Darling of New South Wales.  These orders were to establish a military garrison at King George's Sound and claim the land for the British Crown. 


Major Lockyer was given the privilege to carry out this important commission on 4th November 1826 and along with Captain Thomas Hansen and Lieutenant Colson Festing RN, convened without delay to discuss their route and organise appropriate supplies.


On 9th November 1826, the brig Amity commenced her voyage that laid the foundation of what would become the first settlement of Western Australia.  Setting sail from Sydney Cove, under the command of Captain Thomas Hansen and Lieutenant Colson Festing RN, as Sailing Master, Major Edmund Lockyer, Surgeon, Isaac Scott Ninds, Edmund Morris Lockyer, Store Keeper and son of Major Lockyer, twenty three convicts and a detachment of eighteen troops from the 39th (Dorset) Regiment under Captain Joseph Wakefield’s command, three wives and two children. ​


After her years of government service on the Australian coast the Amity was sold to a private owner, Mr Rowlands in 1834. The Hobart Town Courier, on Friday 2nd May 1834, reported: ‘ Mr Rowlands has purchased, we learn, the beautiful brig Amity'.   The Amity continued to operate in Van Diemen's Land and by 1844 she was regularly transporting cattle from Port Albert in Victoria across Bass Strait to Hobart.


On 14th June 1845, the Amity at the command of Captain William Marr with a crew of nine and one passenger encountered a winter gale while entering the Bass Strait. She ran aground on an uncharted sandbank called Vansittart Shoals, near Flinders Island.  Abandoned, the crew boarded the boats and safely made it to the Flinders Island, as she broke up and the beautiful brig's fate was sealed.

Replica of the Brig Amity at night in Albany, Western Australia.jpg

The Story of the brig Amity

She was a shipwright's joy, a beauty of black birch and hackmatack, the large tree of North America.

She was a shipwright’s joy, a beauty of black birch and hackmatack, the large tree of North America, copper fastened, bluff and sturdy and more than a little wet in any kind of sea.


In old terms the Amity was 75 feet long, 22 feet wide and 11 feet deep inside the hull and small at 142 tons burden the modern gross registered tonnage. Except for a change of the formula since then. Terms in which, as now, had nothing to do with weight but indicated the volume of the hull at 100 cubic feet to the ton, very small alongside the big ships.


The replica provides a fascinating close-up look to this black beauty and is located at the Museum of the Great Southern on the shore closest to where she anchored on the 25 December 1826. Listen to the story of the brig Amity by the Western Australia Museum.

The Journey to Build a Replica of the Brig Amity in Albany – From Concept to Completion in Celebration of its 150th Anniversary

​The project to build a replica of the brig Amity commenced in December 1972, where a meeting was called by Albany Mayor, Harold Smith to investigate the feasibility of building a replica of the brig. The idea to build the brig had originated from Mavis Watterson, a secretary of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, Albany. 


After much discussion and research, construction started in 1975, with local boat builder Stan Austin as project supervisor and Mr Pieter van de Brugge as leading shipwright. Other local craftsmen joined the team, with the aim of making the replica the focal point of celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the brig's arrival.


The Amity Committee was elected and consisted of Mayor Harold Smith, Town of Albany, Mavis Watterson, Secretary, Tom Minchin, Shire Councillor, Trevor Tuckfield and Homer White, Albany Historical Society, Les Johnson, Publicity and Research, Stan Austin, Designer and Builder and Fletcher Brown, Town Clerk. The shipwrights and riggers of the replica build were Pieter van Der Brugge, Richard Olsen, Rodney Olsen, Albertas Kunas, Mark Coffey, Terry Voght, Fred Bairstow and Stan Austin.


The Committee commenced their research and much correspondence flowed back and forth to Museums all over the world, in order to try and establish if the Amity plans were still in existence, but to no avail.  The principal measurements of the brig were entered in Lockyer's journal but no further information was obtainable except plans of ships of similar dimensions. ​​


After a great deal of research by Stan Austin, he built a half model to a scale of 1: 25, bearing in mind that to carry a contingent of soldiers, plus crew and convicts and considerable stores, a ship of these small dimensions would have to be of full body, probably bluff in the bow and therefore not capable of very high speeds. 


Stan Austin offered his services as honorary builder and designer. It was also Stan's suggestion to build the replica in time for the Albany's sesquicentenary celebrations in 1976. Stan Austin managed the build and his leading hand was Pieter van der Brugge and the principal carpenters were brothers Rodney and Richard Olsen and Albertus Kunas. 


Grants were applied for under the Commonwealth Regional Employment Development Scheme and managed under the supervision of the Albany Town Council.  Additional funding came from the Government of Western Australia. 


On the 26th December 1976, Western Australia's Premier Sir Richard Court launched the full size replica, brig Amity, minus her yards that pays tribute to the historic significance. The plaque was unveiled during Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee visit to Australia in 1977, commemorating the 150th anniversary of the first British settlement in Western Australia. Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh came aboard on the 29th March 1977. 


The Brig Amity replica at Albany Western Australia. Photographer: C.J. Ison.

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